A clockwork orange was originally a short novel written by Anthony Burgess, and later on made into a very brilliant thriller film that was directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1971. The movie stars Malcolm McDowell as main character Alex DeLarge. A story about a teenager who unfortunately enjoys rape, ultra-violence and classical music. After and intrusion with his gang of 'droogs' Alex was sent to prison and later on subjected to a brainwashing technique to 'cure' his behavior. The film set to thriller themes of mortality, free will and psychology. Personally I thought the movie was absolutely grotesque and yet extremely cleverly presented with a great amount of suspense. The movie had particularly cought my eye because the main character was speaking to us to explain what he's thinking. As people, we tend to be slightly nosey. If there is no action happening we would consider it a boring movie. However in a clockwork orange Kubrick decided to have a voice over of the main character Alex. This was so that the audience wouldn't get lost in the action and it will give us an insite to what on earth goes on in Alex's brain when he is committing vial crimes. This makes the movie easy to follow. Here is a trailer for more insite to the movie:
My favorite part of the film was in fact the opening scene. Which is why I thought of this as a title sequence that really inspires me.
We learn of the production comapany's, the name of the actual movie within the first 45seconds of the film against a red screen. Red is know to be a color for alerting violence and rage, accompanied by tension packed music foreshadowing the dangers coming up later in the movie. After those 45seconds are through and all the writing disappears of the screen we get a close up of our main character Alex. Which later on moves on to a wide shot of Alex and his 'droogs', which are the next most significant characters. We are then moved out even further into a long shot where the mise en scene foreshadows their 'interests'. The room or as Alex calls it 'club' is filled with female, naked, manikins, which shows they treat women like objects (they use the manikins as coffee or more likely 'milk' tables). This also improvises on the rape that progresses later on in the film. We then hear Alex's voice as the 'voice over' of the scene to explain where they are (location), who he is with (names) and the importance of the characters around him. As he finished the first scene "...with a bit of the... ultra-violence" the music becomes more dramatic to bring in more tension and excite the audience about the action to come. Here is a video that I have attached of the opening sequence:
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